Friday, December 02, 2005

Travel in 2005

Well, the travel mania didn’t stop with my European conquests in 2004. I returned to India finally in April 2005 and did travel quite a bit. June-August were just about Bangalore-Hyderabad trips, but then, if you do it every consecutive weekend for 2 months, I guess that counts as “travel” (
And real travel started when I got married on August 11. We traveled to Vizag, Tirupati, Bangalore and finally the big one – Himachal Pradesh..

The how and why of all my travelling
I’ve always believed more in DIY than ‘outsourcing’. But as I get older, I am able to see value in not doing everything yourself. It is not about one thing being better than the other. Both the approaches offer us a “different value” and we have to choose one of them.

Before I lose track of what I am talking, the point I’m trying to make here is: Choose travel packages from professional tour operator.
The idea behind travel: People have various motives in going traveling/sightseeing. Following are some of them, not necessarily in this order:
  • Curiosity

  • Adventure – do something exciting

  • Get away from the crowd/routine

  • Introspection

You go for a package tour if your motives are the last two and you go out on your own if it is the first two. Simple :-)

Himachal Honeymoon

Awesome !

Rush Hour in Manali

Idyllic - that is the word.
Rush hour in the mountains of Manali, Himalayas. Posted by Picasa

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On the economics of Web services

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